Site Copy

Where have you been? Somewhere around 1998, someone created a tool which I wish I’d known about: sitecopy. And it does what I’d been doing a decade ago for but in a different manner. When I was writing entries at my site, I’d usually create it all on my local computer, preview it, and when happy with it, “deploy” it (i.e. upload it) to my web server. This is one common approach with smaller sites that aren’t Amazon, Facebook, etc....

I'm Back

When it rains, it pours. Or as Roseanne Roseannadanna liked to say, “If it’s not one thing, it’s another. But it’s always something.” (Example from YouTube) Saturday morning I went to get groceries and noticed that the key fob (aka the van remote) couldn’t do anything. Upon further examination, I found that the unlock button had seized. After unloading the groceries Timothy and I worked to open up the fob layer by layer....